As a business that is always striving for more, we are continually looking for new opportunities to work with landowners across the country to help them unlock the potential in their land holdings.

Specialising in land promotion, we utilise the skills of town planners and professional consultants attempting to push successful applications through the planning system in order to maximise the end land value.
This strategy could involve securing an allocation for the development of land within a Local Plan or submitting a planning application where an Authority cannot demonstrate a sufficient supply of housing land.
With the high costs and complexities now involved in the planning and appeal process, Blakeney Estates are able to take this away from you, along with all of the risk by covering all of the professional and consultants’ fees along the way from an initial planning application through to the appeal process where required.
When permission is granted, the land will be sold on to the highest bidding house builder, ensuring you always get the best price for your holdings.
Landowners can be involved in the process as little or as much as they prefer. We have worked with both landowners who prefer to leave the entire process to our team, and others take a more hands-on approach, either way the objective remains the same – to achieve the optimal planning permission and the best price possible for you.
We are always looking for new land acquisitions of any size so if you are a landowner looking to maximise the value of your assets then please get in touch via the form below.
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