Who are we?
Blakeney Homes is a privately owned property development company based in Bedfordshire.
Specialising in the residential market, Blakeney have been constructing new homes for over twenty years. We have forged an excellent reputation for outstanding design and high quality build throughout our exclusive developments.
Our developments range from starter homes to luxury detached properties, you can be sure that all will be in line with our very high standards.
Blakeney control every stage of the planning, design and construction process, using both traditional methods & new technology to produce comfortable and desirable homes.

Our diverse business model is evident to see from our ever-growing strategic land work. A key activity is the identification, acquisition and promotion of land, working with land owners every step of the way from planning through to disposal.
We work in tandem with landowners in order to enable them to realise the maximum development value from their land holdings.
Using our wealth of knowledge and resources, we work with other professional consultants to gain planning permission for development, all at our own cost and risk.
Our gain is a small share of the site’s final sales value.